Duplicate Line Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio Code - How to Move and Copy LinesIn this video I will show you how to manipulate line inside VS Code using key bindings so you can mo. Menggunakan Microsoft Visual Studio Code, bagaimana cara menduplikasi satu baris kode dan kemudian memindahkannya ke atas dan ke bawah? (Mirip dengan perilaku + cmd+ Sublime )shiftd. Ini adalah fitur yang saya gunakan terus-menerus, dan saya berjuang menggunakan Visual Studio. Add Line number to each line and copy to clipboard. This plugin works on Visual Studio 2015 and 2017. The source code is available at https://github.com/m-tmatma. In this article, I am going to explain how to set up your Visual Studio Code for Python Development. Visual Studio Code or, popularly known as VS Code, is one of the free and open-source code editors developed by Microsoft and is mostly preferred by developers of all the major programming languages due to its flexibility and other integrated development tools like debugging, IntelliSense, etc. Exchange outlook for mac os x. Visual studio 2019 duplicate line Hutch Codes, It's simple Ctrl + C; Ctrl + V, check this link. As long as you don't select any text, this will duplicate the line the cursor is over when you press Ctrl + C. Ctrl + C + V works for me on VS2012 with no extension.

Edit | Duplicate Line or Selection

Eagle for mac. One of the ways of creating a code element similar to an existing one (for example, a new method overload or a new auto-implemented property) is cloning the existing element with copy-paste and then editing the clone.


JetBrains Rider helps you streamline the cloning part — with a single keystroke Ctrl+D the cloned code is inserted right after the original.

Quickly duplicate the current line or selection

  1. If you want to clone a line, set the caret at this line line. To clone an arbitrary piece of code, select it in the editor.

    To select a logical code block, press Ctrl+W one or more times; to select the current declaration, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+[.

  2. Press Ctrl+D or choose Edit | Duplicate Line or Selection from the main menu. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+Shift+A, start typing the command name in the popup, and then choose it there.

  3. The duplicated line or multi-line selection is inserted below the original line or selection; the duplicated inline selection is inserted to the right of the original.

  4. If you have duplicated a selection, the selection stays at the clone. If necessary, you can press Ctrl+Shift+Alt and then use arrow keys to move the clone to the desired position.

Visual Studio Copy Line Shortcut

Sort lines of text in Visual Studio Code. The following types of sorting are supported:

sortLines.sortLinesSort lines (ascending, case sensitive)Keybound to F9*
sortLines.sortLinesCaseInsensitiveSort lines (ascending, case insensitive)
sortLines.sortLinesCaseInsensitiveUniqueSort lines (unique ascending, case insensitive)
sortLines.sortLinesReverseSort lines (descending, case sensitive)Reverse character code based sort
sortLines.sortLinesLineLengthSort lines (line length ascending)
sortLines.sortLinesLineLengthReverseSort lines (line length descending)
sortLines.sortLinesVariableLengthSort lines (variable length ascending)
sortLines.sortLinesVariableLengthReverseSort lines (variable length descending)
sortLines.sortLinesNaturalSort lines (natural)Sorts alphabetically but groups multi-digit numbers (Wikipedia)
sortLines.sortLinesUniqueSort lines (unique ascending, case sensitive)Regular character code keeping only unique items
sortLines.sortLinesShuffleSort lines (shuffle)
sortLines.removeDuplicateLinesSort lines (remove duplicate lines)

* Note that this overrides the toggle breakpoint keybinding, you can unbind it by adding this to your keybindings.json file:

sortLines.filterBlankLines(boolean) Filter out blank (empty or whitespace-only) lines.false
sortLines.sortEntireFile(boolean) Sort entire file if no selection is active.false
  1. Open VS Code
  2. Press F1
  3. Type 'install'
  4. Select 'Extensions: Install Extension'.
  5. Select sort-lines from the list

Select the lines to sort, press F1 type sort and select the desired sort. The regular sort has the default hotkey F9.