Apache Web Server Ssl Configuration

SSL is currently on of the standards of web security. Learn how to implement an SSL certificate on an Apache Web Server to keep your data safe.

The server certificate must be digitally signed by a Certificate Authority (CA). If you want to enable SSL for an internal demo, the server certificate may be self-signed with your own private key. The SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile directives in the SSL.conf file must point to the corresponding certificate and key files. However, the configuration lines you need to modify are the same regardless of distribution. The Apache web server is easy to install. With one command, you can install it and all necessary dependencies: $ dnf install httpd. All the configuration files for Apache are located in /etc/httpd/conf and /etc/httpd/conf.d.


Setup Ssl Apache

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Before you start the installation process, please make sure that a CSR Code is generated, all validations are met, and the SSL Certificate is issued and downloaded. Mac for vmware workstation 12.

To Install an SSL Certificate, Perform the Following Steps:

  • Copy the certificate into the shell text editor and name the file “mydomain.crt”

Note: Copy the contents of the certificate from (and including) the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE---- line to the ---END CERTIFICATE--- line.

  • Copy the certificate to the Apache Server Directory in which you plan to store your certificates (by default: /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.crt/ or /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/)

Note: - If you have a custom installation, please locate the server directory.

  • Open the Apache Configuration file in a text editor. Apache configuration files are usually found in /etc/httpd. The main configuration file is usually named httpd.conf. In most cases, the <VirtualHost> blocks will be at the bottom of this httpd.conf file. Sometimes you will find <VirtualHost> blocks in a separate file in a directory like /etc/httpd/sites/ or in a file called ssl.conf.
  • Locate the SSL VirtualHost associated with your certificate. Verify that you have the following two directives within this virtual host. Please add them if they are not present.
    • SSLCertificateFile /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.crt/domainname.crt (or server.crt)
    • SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.key/domainname.key (or server.key)

Note: Some instances of Apache will store Virtual Host information in an ssl.conf file. If your httpd.conf contains no Virtual Host information then you will need to locate and amend the ssl.conf as performed above.

  • Save the changes and exit the shell editor.
  • Start or Restart your Apache web server using one of the following commands:
  • ServerApache Web Server Ssl Configuration

    By default:


    /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl startssl


    /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl restart

    ssl certificate,apache web server,security,web security

    Published at DZone with permission of Kalpesh Patel. See the original article here.

    Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own.

    Apache Httpd Ssl Configuration

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    Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer(SSL), are technologies which allow web browsers and web servers to communicateover a secured connection. This means that the data being sent is encrypted byone side, transmitted, then decrypted by the other side before processing.This is a two-way process, meaning that both the server AND the browser encryptall traffic before sending out data.

    Apache Web Server Ssl Configuration Manager

    Another important aspect of the SSL/TLS protocol is Authentication. This meansthat during your initial attempt to communicate with a web server over a secureconnection, that server will present your web browser with a set ofcredentials, in the form of a 'Certificate', as proof the site is who and whatit claims to be. Mikrotik for mac. In certain cases, the server may also request a Certificatefrom your web browser, asking for proof that you are who you claimto be. This is known as 'Client Authentication,' although in practice this isused more for business-to-business (B2B) transactions than with individualusers. Most SSL-enabled web servers do not request Client Authentication.