Advertise Garage Sale Online
Do list your yard sale in the appropriate classified sections of both Craigslist and your local newspaper, including both the newspaper's print and online listings. Old school shoppers may depend on newspaper listings, and the computer savvy crowd probably uses Craigslist. Additionally, yard sale apps for smartphones may aggregate from one or the either. Find great deals in your area from garage sale and yard sales near you featured on Facebook Marketplace. Advertise Your Garage Sale Online. There are several places you can advertise your garage sale online. Most will require a photo. If you don’t have a good picture of the items to work with, you can create an image for free using a website like Canva. It took less than 5 minutes to create this flyer. Garage sales are something many people look forward to this time of year, but garage sales are not in phase one of the governor's reopening plan. Garage sale season put on hold statewide.
You’ve Marie Kondo’d your entire house and parted ways with the items that didn’t “spark joy.” Now you’re ready for a garage sale. But before you get paid for purging, you need to get the word out. Here are the best places to advertise garage sales, as well as some garage sale ad examples to get you started:
What to include in your garage sale ads:
- Date(s) of the sale
- Time frame
- Address, subdivision, cross streets and any nearby landmarks
- Classification of sale (like moving, estate, etc.)
- What you have most of (furniture, baby clothes, etc.)
When to run the garage sale ads:
- 1-2 days before the sale
- During the sale
Best place to advertise garage sales:
- Your town’s Craigslist (navigate to the “for sale” section and select “garage sale”)
- Online social networking sites, like Nextdoor and Facebook Marketplace
- Local publications, like community message boards and newsletters
- Moving or estate sale sites, if applicable
- On signs placed by major intersections near your house
Use a combination of these marketing methods to reach as many people as possible. Some garage sale-goers plan their routes, while others decide to stop after they see a sign. Plan for both!
Pro Tip: Use permanent markers instead of pens and choose colored signs over white ones.
Having a successful garage sale is simple. Advertise on as many media as possible and include relevant information.
Now that you’ve cleared out your items, get your garage organized with this helpful (and budget-friendly) guide.
Prior to your move, one of the best and speediest ways to declutter and get rid of things you don’t need is to have a yard sale.
But while the method of unloading a garage and spreading stuff in the driveway is tried and true, how to get people to come to the yard sale has improved in this century.
How to advertise a garage sale
It used to be that yard sales were advertised in a couple of basic ways:
- Print out flyers and then pass them out in mailboxes or at local shops.
- Use poster board and some markers to make ramshackle signs to put at intersections near your house or along the streets of your neighborhood.
Of course, you can still do these things (and probably should), but there are new ways to market your sale: If you want people to show up at your house en masse and shell out money for your treasures, there are terrific ways you can promote the event beforehand.
Advertising a yard sale online
No matter how you advertise it, yard sales are a great way to get ready for a move. And now that you have the Internet at your disposal, take advantage of it with these three relatively simply methods.
Advertise Garage Sale Online
Create a Facebook event
About a week before the yard sale, put up a post on everyone’s favorite social network. Your neighbors will see the post, like it and share it with their friends. Before you know it, you’ll be on your way to drawing a crowd.
You should also post a reminder or an update on the day before, as well.
Post Garage Sale online, free
Remember, Facebook allows you to create an event; that could be a good option for social-networking promotion, too.
Craigslist ad
Post an ad on the free service to publicize details about the sale: Give all the pertinent information—where it’s going to be, what time it’s going to start and how long you’ll be open for business.
Craigslist targets neighborhoods pretty well, so the odds you’ll reach community members in search of events like yours are high.
Twitter photos & hashtags
Twitter? Yes, Twitter: While it’s an abstract tool, it’s a terrific medium for spreading the news about your yard sale.
Where To Advertise Garage Sales
Take photos of your more appealing item and post them to Twitter with something sticky like, “Who’s gonna be the first to grab this bit of awesome?!”
Virtual Yard Sale
Be sure to add hashtags, too, like #yardsale, #[yourcommunityname], #[yourtown] and so on. This will increase the probability the information gets spread around effectively.
Yard sale flyers
Advertise Garage Sale online, free
If you still want to work it the traditional way, stop by your local Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks early on the morning of your event.
See if they’ll let you leave a stack of flyers on the counter—you’d be surprised how receptive these folks can be. When people come in to get their morning coffee or glazed old-fashioned, they’ll see your info.