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Define vernissage. Vernissage synonyms, vernissage pronunciation, vernissage translation, English dictionary definition of vernissage. A private showing held before the opening of an art exhibition. Restaurant Vernissage in NJ - russian, western, eastern and ethnic food Restaurant Vernissage in NJ 111 Wagaraw Rd. Hawthorne. NJ. 07506 (973) 423-5808. What does vernissage mean? A private showing held before the opening of an art exhibition.
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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | INDEX |
Word | Definition |
vaalhaai | South African shark |
vaaljapie | inferior wine |
vacatur | annulment |
vaccary | dairy or cow pasture |
vaccimulgence | cow milking |
vaccinal | relating to vaccination |
vaccine | of, like or pertaining to cows; preparation conferring immunity to disease |
vaccinia | cow-pox |
vacciniform | resembling cow-pox |
vaccinogenic | producing vaccine |
vacherin | sweet mixture of meringue and whipped cream |
vacillate | fluctuate in opinion or resolution |
vacive | empty |
vacky | evacuee |
vacuefy | to produce a vacuum |
vacuist | one who holds that an absolute vacuum is possible in nature |
vacuity | emptiness |
vacuole | fluid-bearing cavity in organic tissue |
vadable | able to be forded |
vadelect | servant; serving-man |
vade-mecum | ready reference manual regularly carried about |
vadimony | bond or pledge given before a judge |
vadose | of, like or pertaining to underground water above the water table |
vafrous | cunning; sly |
vagant | roaming, wandering |
vagantes | wandering monk-scholars |
vagarian | whimsical person |
vagarish | of the eyes, tending to roam |
vagation | act of roaming or wandering |
vagient | crying like a baby |
vagile | having the ability to move about |
vagility | ability to succeed in the struggle for existence |
vaginate | sheathed; having a sheath |
vaginula | little sheath |
vagitus | baby's cry or wail |
vagous | irregular, unsettled |
vagulate | to wander; to waver |
vahana | mount or vehicle of an Indian deity |
vahine | Tahitian adult woman or wife |
vainglory | idle boastfulness |
vair | blue-grey squirrel fur; heraldic representation of blue and white rows |
vaivode | local ruler of multiple communities in southeastern Europe |
valance | drapery hung along the edge of a bed, table or canopy |
valence | linen helmet-cover for armour |
valenki | warm Russian felt boots |
valentia | device for drawing wine or beer out of a cask |
valentine | of birds, to sing to a mate |
valetaille | group of valets |
valetudinarian | of, like or pertaining to ill-health; anxious about health |
valgus | club-footed; bow-legged |
valienton | bully, braggard |
valiha | bamboo tubular zither used in Madagascar |
vallate | having a raised rim or rampart; ringed |
vallation | ridge or bank of earth used as fortification |
vallecula | groove or furrow |
vallidom | worth, value |
vallum | rampart; wall of earth thrown up from a ditch |
valorise | to set a fixed arbitrary price |
valse | dance in triple time; waltz |
valuative | expressing a value or evaluation |
valuta | comparative value of a currency |
valvar | of or relating to a valve |
valviform | shaped like a valve |
vambrace | armour for the forearm |
vamplate | plate fixed to spear or lance to guard the hand |
vandelas | strong coarse canvas |
vandola | stringed lute-like Spanish instrument |
vandyke | to cut deep angled indentations into |
vang | rope used to steady the gaff of the fore-and-aft sail |
vangee | device for working the pumps of a ship |
vaniloquence | vain or foolish talk |
vanitarianism | pursuit of vain things |
vanner | one who tests ore by washing it on a shovel |
vansire | carnivorous South African ferret |
vapography | effect of physical emanations on photographic plates |
vaporary | collection of herbs used in a steam-bath |
vaporetto | motorboat used in Venetian canals |
vaporiferous | making steam or vapour |
vaporiform | having the appearance of vapour |
vaporimeter | instrument for measuring vapour pressure |
vaporose | vaporizing easily |
vappa | sour wine |
vapulate | to flog; to be flogged |
vapulatory | of, like or pertaining to flogging |
vaquita | small Pacific porpoise |
vaquita | small porpoise living in the Gulf of California |
vara | unit of linear measure of between 33 and 43 inches |
varan | monitor lizard |
vardingale | framework of hoops for a woman's skirts |
vardle | bottom hinge of a gate |
vardo | gypsy caravan |
varec | seaweed; kelp |
varia | miscellany |
varicella | chicken pox |
variegated | diverse and varied; having multi-coloured patches |
varietal | of, like or pertaining to a variety |
varietist | unorthodox person |
varifocal | of a camera, having a variable focal length |
variform | of various forms |
varimax | method of statistical factor analysis |
variola | smallpox |
variometer | instrument for measuring magnetic declination |
variorum | including the notes of earlier scholars or editors |
variphone | one of two or more sounds used interchangeably by speakers of a language |
varix | unusual dilation of an artery or vein |
varna | caste system of Hindu society |
varsal | whole; entire; universal |
varsovienne | polka-like Polish dance |
vartabed | Armenian clergyman |
varus | pigeon-toed |
varvel | metal ring attached to hawk's jess that connects to a leash |
vas | hollow organ or tube that conveys liquid within the body |
vasa | parrot variety native to Madagascar |
vascular | of, like or pertaining to fluid-carrying vessels |
vasculature | arrangement of blood vessels |
vasculiform | shaped like a small vase or flowerpot |
vasculum | botanist's collecting case |
vasifactive | producing small vessels in tissue |
vasiferous | bearing a vessel or vas |
vasiform | shaped like a duct or vase |
vasotribe | instrument formerly used to stop bleeding |
vastate | to make immune |
vastation | purification through destroying evil elements |
vastidity | vastness; a vast extent |
vastrap | quick South African folk dance |
vasy | slimy |
vatic | prophetic; oracular; inspired |
vaticide | killing or killer of a prophet |
vaticinal | of or characterized by prophecy; prophetic |
vaticinate | prophesy; predict |
vaticiny | a prophecy |
vau | sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet |
vauclusian | of a spring in which water is expelled by artesian pressure |
vaulty | having the form of a vault |
vauntage | bragging; boasting |
vauntiness | boastfulness |
vauntlay | in hunting, release of a lead set of hounds before a following pack can catch up |
vauqueline | strychnine |
vaurien | good-for-nothing; worthless person |
vavasour | feudal noble who is both a liege and a vassal |
vecordy | madness, folly |
vectible | able to be carried |
vectigal | of, like or pertaining to the paying of tribute or rent |
vectis | obstetrical instrument used as lever to free infant's head |
vectitation | act of carrying or conveying |
vectitory | carrying or conveying |
vectorscope | oscilloscope used to analyze television signals |
vedalia | Australian pest-eating ladybug |
vedette | mounted sentry stationed to watch for enemy |
vedro | Russian unit of liquid measure equal to 2.7 gallons |
veduta | panoramic view of a town |
veena | Indian seven-stringed lyre |
veepstakes | competition to become vice-presidential candidate |
veery | North American thrush |
vees | soft earth in a crack or mining fissure |
vega | tract of fertile meadowland |
veganic | of agriculture, not relying on animal products |
vegete | vigorous |
vegetivorous | eating vegetables |
vehiculation | conveyance by a vehicle |
veilleuse | shaded night-lamp |
veitchberry | hybrid of a blackberry and raspberry |
velamentous | of, like or pertaining to or like a membrane or sail |
velar | of sounds, produced using the soft palate |
velar | dome terminated by four or more walls |
velarium | awning over an auditorium |
velary | pertaining to the sails of a ship |
velate | having a veil; veiled |
velation | act of veiling; secrecy |
veleta | dance for couples in triple time |
veliferous | bearing a sail or membrane |
velitation | skirmish |
velivolant | flying with sails |
velleity | lowest degree of volition; slight wish without any impulse to action |
vellicate | to twitch; to tickle or pinch |
vellicative | causing twitching |
vellon | copper used in Spanish coins |
velociman | hand-propelled tricycle |
velocimeter | instrument for measuring velocity |
velocious | with great speed |
velocipede | swift-footed; swift-footed person; old-fashioned bicycle |
velodrome | building for bicycle races |
velodyne | device to keep rotational speed of a shaft proportional to voltage applied |
velometer | instrument for measuring speed of air |
velour | piled velvety cotton |
velouté | white sauce made with stock |
veloutine | velvety corded wool |
velum | soft palate |
velutinous | velvety; having a downy covering |
velveret | soft velvety cotton and silk blend |
velvetine | cotton with silk pile |
venal | of a type that may be bribed |
venatic | of, like or pertaining to hunting |
venation | arrangement of veins on a leaf or an insect's wing |
venator | huntsman; hunter |
vendace | small freshwater fish native to Scotland |
vendange | grape harvest |
vendee | purchaser |
vendemmia | grape harvest |
vendible | capable of being sold |
vendicate | to claim for oneself |
venditation | offering for sale |
vendition | sale |
vendue | public sale |
venefic | acting by poison or potions or by sorcery |
venenation | poisoning |
venencia | instrument used to sample sherry from a cask |
veneniferous | carrying poison |
venepuncture | puncturing of a vein |
venerance | venerability |
venerative | disposed to veneration |
venereology | study of venereal disease |
venerer | gamekeeper; hunter |
venerous | lustful |
venery | pursuit of sexual gratification; hunting; pursuit of game |
venesect | to open a vein for blood-letting |
vengolina | Angola finch |
venial | pardonable; excusable |
venigenous | containing veins of metal or quartz |
venireman | juror |
venoclysis | introduction of liquid into the body by an intravenous drip |
venography | injecting radioactive material into veins for medical examination |
venose | veiny; veined |
venostasis | reduction in flow of blood to a part of the body |
venous | of, like or pertaining to veins |
ventage | finger-hole; small hole |
ventail | armour for the neck, attached to the helmet |
vental | of or pertaining to the wind |
ventana | window |
venter | one of two or more wives who are mother to the same man's offspring |
ventiduct | ventilating pipe or passage |
ventifact | stone polished by wind-blown sand |
ventil | valve controlling the air supply of organ stops |
ventilabral | pertaining to fans |
ventorious | characterized by venturesomeness |
ventose | windy; flatulent; puffed up with conceit |
ventrad | towards the front |
ventral | of, like or pertaining to the underside or the belly |
ventricose | having a swollen or protuberant belly |
ventricular | of or pertaining to the stomach |
ventriculose | paunch-bellied |
ventricumbent | lying on one's front or one's belly |
ventriduct | to turn towards the belly |
ventripotent | with great capacity or appetite for food; big-bellied |
ventrotomy | incision into the abdomen; surgery upon the abdomen |
venule | small vein |
venville | land tenure system in Dartmoor granting privileges over forested lands |
veracious | truthful; exact |
verbalism | undue attention to words alone |
verbarian | coiner of words |
verbatim | word for word |
verberate | to beat |
verbicide | destroying the meaning of a word |
verbid | non-finite part of a verb |
verbigeration | morbid and purposeless repetition of certain words |
verbile | one whose mental processes are stimulated by words |
verbomania | craze for words |
verd | in heraldry, the colour green |
verd-azure | blue-green or sea-green |
verderer | officer in charge of royal forests |
verdigris | greenish copper coating, as on copper |
verdin | small yellow-headed grey titmouse |
verdure | greenness; health and vigour |
verecund | modest; shy |
vergaloo | variety of white pear |
vergée | measure of land area equal to two-fifths of an acre |
vergence | simultaneous movement of eyes toward or away from one another |
vergency | state of bordering something |
verger | church usher and attendant |
vergiform | shaped like a rod |
verglas | film of ice on rock |
veridical | veracious; genuine; truthful |
veridicous | truthful |
verificationism | doctrine that emphasizes empirical verification of theoretical principles |
veriloquent | speaking truthfully; truthful |
verily | truly; certainly; confidently |
verism | artistic preference of the everyday to the legendary |
verjuice | sour juice of unripe fruit |
vermeil | bright red or vermilion colour; gilded silver |
vermeology | study of worms |
vermian | like a worm |
vermicide | killing of worms |
vermicular | of, like or pertaining to worms |
vermiculated | worm-eaten; having sinuous lines giving appearance of being worm-eaten |
vermiculous | wormy |
vermiculture | cultivation of worms |
vermiferous | bearing or producing worms |
vermiform | shaped like a worm |
vermifugal | expelling worms |
vermigerous | bearing, containing or infested with worms |
vermigrade | creeping like a worm |
vermilion | bright red |
verminicide | something that kills vermin |
verminology | science of vermin |
vermiparous | bearing young in the form of maggots or worms |
vermivorous | eating worms |
vernaculate | to give a name in the vernacular; to use vernacular language |
vernal | of, like or pertaining to spring |
vernality | early days or 'springtime' of some thing |
vernalization | to artificially chill seeds to hasten flowering in spring |
vernalize | to make springlike; to freshen |
vernation | arrangement or formation of leaves in the bud |
vernicle | cloth with image of Christ's face impressed upon it |
vernicose | brightly polished or varnished |
vernier | small movable scale for finely adjusting divisions of a measuring instrument |
vernissage | varnishing-day or preparation day prior to an art showing |
vernition | varnishing |
vernix | greasy substance covering infant at its birth |
verricule | tuft of hairs or bristles |
verruca | wart |
verruciform | shaped like a wart; wartlike |
verrucose | warty |
versability | aptness to be turned around |
versal | ornamental letter at beginning of section |
versant | general slope of a mountain |
versative | flexible; adaptable |
verselet | a little poem |
versemonger | writer of mediocre poetry |
versicle | short verse in church service normally followed by response |
versicoloured | diversely or changeably coloured |
versicular | of or in verse |
versiform | changing in form |
verst | unit of distance equal to approximately 2/3 of a mile |
versus | against; in contrast to |
versute | crafty; wily |
versutiloquent | speaking craftily |
vert | the heraldic colour green |
vert | to convert religions; a religious convert |
vertant | in heraldry, curving or bending |
vertebral | of or pertaining to the vertebrae; spinal |
vertebriform | shaped like a vertebra |
verticil | whorl |
verticillated | whorled |
verticity | power of turning, especially of a magnet |
vertiginate | dizzy; giddy |
vertiginous | of, like or pertaining to vertigo; dizzy; giddy |
vervecine | of or pertaining to a sheep |
vervel | ring for a hawk's jess |
vervelle | decorated connector between helmet and mail of suit of armour |
vesania | derangement of mental and moral faculties |
vesica | a bladder |
vesical | of, like or pertaining to the bladder |
vesicant | blistering |
vesicate | to blister |
vesicle | small bladder or cavity |
vespacide | substance or person who kills wasps |
vespal | of, like or pertaining to wasps |
vespasienne | public lavatory |
vesper | evening; the evening star |
vespering | flying westward towards the sunset |
vespers | prayer service held in early evening |
vespertilian | bat-like |
vespertilionize | to turn into a bat |
vespertinal | of, like or pertaining to the evening |
vespiary | wasp's nest |
vespiform | having the shape of a wasp |
vespine | of, like or pertaining to hornets or wasps |
vespoid | wasp-like |
vesta | wax-stemmed match |
vestiarian | relating to ecclesiastical vestments |
vestiary | robing-room; cloakroom; of, like or pertaining to clothes |
vestibule | entrance-hall |
vestiture | clothes; covering; coat |
vestock | clerical stock that extends to the waist |
vestry | priest's dressing room |
vesturer | keeper of vestments |
vesuvian | smoker's slow-burning match |
vesuviate | to erupt; to burst with heat |
vetanda | forbidden things |
vetch | plant bearing bean-like fruit |
vetitive | having the power to veto |
vetoism | use of the power of veto |
vettura | carriage, cab or car |
vetust | very ancient |
vexillary | standard-bearer; pertaining to regimental colours or flags |
vexillology | study of flags |
via | by way of; by means of |
viaggiatory | traveling frequently |
vial | serving as a road |
viameter | instrument for measuring revolutions of a wheel |
viatecture | construction of roads and bridges |
viatical | of, like or pertaining to roads or travel |
viaticum | money or provisions for journey; Eucharist for a dying person |
viator | traveller; wayfarer |
vibraphone | percussion instrument like xylophone whose bars have variable vibrato |
vibraslap | modern percussion instrument with rod and ball |
vibratile | capable of vibratory motion |
vibratiuncle | minute vibration |
vibrissa | tactile bristle such as cat's whisker; bristly hair |
vibrissation | quavering or shaking in the voice |
vibrograph | instrument for recording vibrations |
vibrometer | instrument for measuring vibrations |
vibronic | of or caused by electronic vibration |
vicarial | of, like or pertaining to a vicar or delegate |
vicariant | of or pertaining to a deputy |
vicariant | involving species or varieties that evolved in discrete habitats from one another |
vice | spiral staircase |
vice | in place of; rather than |
vicegerent | acting in place of another; having delegated authority |
vicegod | hostile appellation applied to the Pope |
vicenary | based on the number twenty |
vicennial | occurring every twenty years |
vicereine | wife of a viceroy |
vichyssoise | chilled cream of potato and leek soup |
vicinage | neighbourhood; residents in a neighbourhood |
vicinal | neighboring; local |
vicinism | acquisition of a trait of a neighboring variety of a species through crossbreeding |
victimology | study of victims |
victoria | light open two-seated four-wheeled carriage |
victoria | cry of triumph |
victorine | fur scarf or stole fastened at the neck |
victrix | female victor |
victualler | one who operates a pub or eatery |
vicuna | fabric made from wool of the vicuna, a small ruminant |
vicuna | soft-fleeced Andean ruminant |
vidame | one who holds lands on behalf of a French bishop |
videlicet | to wit; namely |
videndum | thing to be seen |
videtur | it seems |
vidimus | attested copy; inspection of accounts |
viduage | widowhood; widows collectively |
viduity | widowhood |
viduous | widowed; empty |
vielle | four-stringed instrument played with a small wheel |
viertel | liquid measure of one-quarter litre of alcoholic beverage |
viff | of an aircraft, to change direction abruptly |
viga | rough-hewn roofing timber |
vigesimal | based on the number twenty |
vigia | danger warning on a chart |
vigilous | of or pertaining to watching |
vigintiquintuple | result of multiplying by twenty-five |
vigneron | vine-grower |
vignoble | vineyard |
vigonia | wool of the vicuna |
vigorish | percentage of gambler's winnings taken by bookkeeper |
vigoro | team sport combining cricket and baseball |
viguier | one of two administrative delegates in Andorra |
vihuela | early Spanish guitar |
vila | Eastern European fairy or nymph |
vilayet | former Ottoman province |
vilipend | to despise; to make light of; to disparage mockingly |
villancico | Spanish musical form consisting of short verses and a refrain |
villanelle | poem consisting of five tercets and a quatrain |
villar | of, like or pertaining to a manor or village |
villatic | rural; of, like or pertaining to a villa |
villeggiatura | a stay in the country |
villiform | of the form or shape of velvet |
villose | velvety |
villus | soft velvety hair or fur |
vimen | long thin branch or twig |
viminal | pertaining to twigs |
vimineous | with long flexible shoots |
vinaceous | wine-coloured |
vinal | of or due to wine |
vinaya | rules of Buddhist monastic life |
vinca | periwinkle |
vincible | that may be overcome |
vincture | something that binds |
vincular | connective |
vinculum | line drawn above numbers to indicate multiplication by some value |
vindemial | of, like or pertaining to the vintage |
vindemiate | to gather grapes or other fruit |
vindictivolence | desire to take vengeance |
vinea | protective frame for siege weaponry |
vineal | living on vines; consisting of wine |
vineatic | of, like or pertaining to vines |
vinegaroon | large scorpion that emits foul vinegar-like secretion |
vinew | to make or become mouldy |
vinewed | mouldy; musty |
vinic | obtained from wine or alcohol |
viniculture | cultivation of grapes for wine |
viniferous | producing wine |
vinification | process of fermenting wine |
vinipote | wine-drinker |
vinolent | addicted to wine |
vinology | scientific study of vines and winemaking |
vinomadefied | soaked with wine |
vinometer | instrument for measuring strength of wine |
vinous | like wine; pertaining to wine; deep red or wine-coloured |
vint | to make or sell wine |
vintry | wine shop |
vinyasa | movement between different yoga poses |
violaceous | violet-coloured |
violatic | flying about |
violative | causing violation of something |
violone | double-bass violin |
viparious | life-producing |
viperiform | shaped like a snake or viper |
viperine | of, like or pertaining to vipers |
viperous | of, like, or pertaining to vipers; treacherous; venomous |
virage | sharp bend in a hill or path winding up a road |
viraginous | suggestive of a loud overbearing woman |
virago | manlike or heroic woman |
virason | sea breeze |
virelay | old French poem with refrain and unusual rhyming scheme |
virement | process of transferring public funds between accounts |
vireo | olive-gray insectivorous American bird |
virescent | becoming green or greenish; of a greenish colour |
virga | streaks of precipitation particles attached to the bottom of a cloud |
virgal | composed of twigs |
virgate | old unit of land area usually equal to 30 acres or 1/4 hide |
virgate | rodlike; twiggy |
virgation | system of geological faults branching out like twigs |
virginal | small keyed instrument like a harpsichord |
virgular | having letters of the alphabet shaped like twigs or thin strokes |
virgule | forward slash |
virgultum | young slender branch |
virguncule | young virgin |
viricide | killing of viruses; killing of men or of husbands |
virid | green |
viridarium | Roman garden |
viridian | chrome green |
viridigenous | producing greenness |
viridity | greenness; freshness |
virific | poisonous |
virilescence | development of male character in the female |
virilia | male reproductive organs |
virilism | outdated name for a form of hermaphroditism |
virilocal | of a system of residence of a woman with her husband's kin after marriage |
viripotent | fit for a husband; marriageable |
virology | study of viruses |
virose | poisonous; foul |
virtu | love or taste for fine art |
virtualism | doctrine that Christ is virtually present in the Eucharist |
virucide | killing of viruses |
viruliferous | bearing or containing a virus |
vis | force; power |
visagist | expert in facial make-up |
visard | mask or visor |
vis-a-vis | light carriage with seats facing one another |
viscacha | large burrowing South American rodent |
viscacha | South American burrowing rodent |
visceral | of the organs of the body |
visceration | distribution of raw flesh among dogs or men |
viscerotonic | having a comfort-loving, easygoing personality |
viscid | semi-fluid; sticky; glutinous; viscous |
viscometer | instrument for measuring viscosity |
viscontial | reminiscent of a viscount |
visibilia | things that are seen |
visile | of, like or pertaining to sight; learning easily by sight |
visiogenic | suitable for transmission by television |
visionic | having the character of a vision |
visitador | official visitor or inspector |
visitatorial | connected with an official visitation |
visive | of, like or pertaining to sight; visual; able to see or be seen |
visna | fatal brain disease of sheep |
visne | neighbourhood from which an English jury was formerly drawn |
visometer | instrument for measuring focal length of the eye |
viss | South Indian measure of weight of around three and a half pounds |
vitalism | the doctrine that there is a vital force behind life |
vitative | concerned with the preservation of life |
vitellary | bright yellow |
vitelligenous | producing yolk |
vitellus | yolk of an egg |
vitiate | impair quality of; make invalid; spoil; make impure |
viticetum | plantation of vines; vineyard |
viticolous | living on vines |
viticulture | vine-growing |
vitiferous | bearing vines |
vitilitigation | vexatious wrangling |
vitrage | thin curtain for windows or glazed doors |
vitrail | stained glass |
vitrescent | tending to become glass |
vitrescible | able to be turned into glass |
vitrics | glassy materials; glassware; study of glassware |
vitrifaction | process of converting into glass |
vitrifacture | glassblowing |
vitriform | of the form or shape of glass |
vitrine | glass display case |
vitriolic | caustic or hostile |
vitta | band or stripe of colour on an animal or plant |
vittate | striped lengthwise |
vitular | of, like or pertaining to a calf or to calving |
vituline | of, like or pertaining to calves or veal |
vituperation | abuse; rejection |
vivandière | female camp follower who supplies provisions |
vivarium | artificial enclosure for keeping live animals |
vivat | long live |
vivency | vitality |
viverrine | of, like or pertaining to civets and mongoose |
vivers | food; eatables |
viviparous | producing live young |
vivisepulture | practice of burying people alive |
vizard | mask |
vocabularian | of, like or pertaining to vocabulary |
vocalion | small organ whose reeds produce tone like a human voice |
vocative | indicating calling or personal address |
vocicultural | of, like or pertaining to voice training |
vociferant | clamorous |
vociferate | to cry out with a loud voice; to bawl |
vocoid | vowel-like |
voicespondence | correspondence by means of recorded oral messages |
voided | of a heraldic charge, having the inner part cut away |
voile | soft fine sheer fabric |
voiturier | driver of a carriage or coach |
voivode | leader of an army; provincial governor |
volable | nimble-witted |
volacious | apt or fit to fly |
volage | giddy; flighty; fickle |
volant | flying; able to fly; of a heraldic bird, with wings extended |
volar | of, like or pertaining to the palm or the sole; of, like or pertaining to flight |
volary | aviary |
volation | ability to fly |
volcanology | study of volcanoes |
volens | consenting to a course of action which requires risk |
volery | place for aircraft repair |
volet | short veil worn at the back of the head |
volitant | flying; flitting; fluttering; moving about |
volitation | flying; flight |
volitient | willing |
volitive | of, like or pertaining to the will; expressing desire or permission |
volitorial | able to fly |
volplane | to glide through the air |
volta | old leaping dance |
voltameter | instrument for measuring electrical current indirectly |
voltigeur | lightly armed skirmisher |
voltinism | breeding rhythm; brood frequency |
voltmeter | instrument for measuring electrical potential |
voluble | fluent in speech; too fluent or glib |
volucrine | of, like or pertaining to birds; bird-like |
volumenometer | instrument for measuring volume of a solid |
volumeter | instrument for measuring volume of a liquid or gas |
voluminal | of, like or pertaining to volume or cubic capacity |
voluntarism | belief that the will dominates the intellect |
voluptuary | sensualist; person fond of luxury |
volupty | sexual pleasure |
volutation | action of rolling; turning; wallowing |
voluted | in spiral form |
volution | revolving movement; convolution; whorl |
volvelle | instrument like an astrolabe used by doctors for astrology |
vomiturition | violent retching |
voraginous | of, like or pertaining to a whirlpool; voracious |
vorago | gulf; chasm; abyss |
vorant | devouring |
vorpal | keen; deadly |
vortical | of, like or pertaining to a vortex; whirling |
vorticist | painter who expresses complexity of machinery through art |
vorticity | amount of vortical motion in a fluid |
vortoscope | device using mirrors to produce abstract photographs |
votation | action of voting |
votive | given by vow; consisting of a vow or wish |
voussoir | wedge-like stone forming part of an arch |
vraisemblance | verisimilitude |
vug | small cavity in a rock |
vulcanology | study of volcanoes |
vulgo | commonly; popularly |
vulgus | the common people; schoolboy Latin composition |
vulnerary | healing wounds |
vulnerate | to wound |
vulnerose | wounded |
vulpecular | of, like or pertaining to a young fox |
vulpicide | killing of a fox |
vulpine | of, like or pertaining to foxes; cunning |
vulsella | forceps with toothed blades |
vulturine | rapacious; of, like or pertaining to a vulture |
vulvar | of, like or pertaining to or resembling the vulva |
vulviform | shaped like an oval or a vulva |
I hope you have found this site to be useful. If you have any corrections, additions, or comments, please contact me. Please note that I am not able to respond to all requests. Please consult a major dictionary before e-mailing your query. All material on this page © 1996-2014 Stephen Chrisomalis. Links to this page may be made without permission.