Mocha Cheat Sheet

Blend milk, ice, instant coffee, chocolate syrup, and sweetened condensed milk. All mocha ingredients go into a blender. Use a tamper tool to make sure the ice gets blended evenly. Start on low for about 5-10 seconds then turn it up to high for about 3 seconds. After solving Word Mocha 124, we will continue in this topic with Word Mocha Mocha 125, this game was developed by People Fun a famous one known in puzzle games for ios and android devices. From Now on, you will have all the hints, cheats and needed answers to complete this puzzle.

Hey there, Seattle barista here. I feel it is my duty to educate those around me with knowledge that I possess. Especially when people come in all the time, order a macchiato, only to be outraged that we had the nerve to hand them such a tiny cup. People of the world, I’m here to help. Below is a list of typical drinks and what is in them (or optional but common additions.)

*Note: Our cafe has a standard of two shots of espresso per drink, unless you’re ordering plain espresso shots, or a macchiato, which can be singles, doubles, triples, or quads. Some cafes have a different default number of shots, but this is the one I see most often in Seattle. The information below reflects such.*

Drip Coffee: seriously, just coffee. The kind you can get at Denny’s.


Espresso: coffee brewed under intense pressure & heat. Base of lattes, mochas, etc.


Macchiato: espresso shot(s) + dollop of foam on top

Americano: espresso shots + hot water. Kind of like drip, but fresh & the flavor level varies with size

Latte: espresso shots + steamed milk (+ flavor, optional)

Cappuccino: espresso shots + ½ steamed milk + ½ foam

Wet: more milk than foam Dry: splash of milk, almost all foam

Mocha: espresso shots + steamed milk + chocolate (+ whip)

White Chocolate Mocha: espresso shots + steamed milk + white chocolate (+ whip)

Tea: just plain tea with hot water

Tea Latte: tea + 2/3 hot water + 1/3 steamed milk (+ vanilla, usually)

London Fog: Earl Grey Tea Latte, often with vanilla since Starbucks made people believe that’s how it’s supposed to be. Which is fine, because it’s delicious.


Chai Tea Latte/Chai: Chai tea concentrate + steamed milk (+ cinnamon)

Green Tea Latte: green tea powder + water + steamed milk (+ vanilla)

Hot Chocolate: chocolate + steamed milk (+ whip)

Steamer: steamed milk (+ flavor) (+ whip)

How to order:

Size: 8oz Short, 12oz Tall, 16oz Grande, 20oz Venti

(Iced/Hot:) If you want it iced, please say so so I can grab the right cup.

Shots: in Seattle 2 shots is standard in every drink no matter the size, you can ask for more or less. Single, double, triple, quad, 5 shots, or 6 shots if you really have an insane tolerance.

Milk: Nonfat, 2%, Whole, Soy, Almond, Rice are what we offer at our store. 2% is standard, but we often use whole if you’re getting a mug because it’s better for latte art. Some cafes offer Coconut, Hemp, Cashew, Sunflower, etc.

(Decaf or Half-Caf/Split Shot:) no one says anything if they want regular

Word mocha cheat sheet

Flavor (there are many)

Temperature: kid hot, not too hot, extra hot, 146 degrees, whatever.

Foam: none/less/extra

Drink: Americano, Latte, Mocha, etc.

For here/To go: I don’t care how long you’ll sit here, I just want to know if you want a paper cup or a porcelain mug 😉 You can get it “to go” and sit here for 45 minutes and it won’t even be weird.

The Formula: Size (+ Iced) + Shots + Milk (+ Decaf or Split shot) (+ Flavor) (+ Temperature) (+ Foam) + Drink + For here/To go

Example: “Tall triple shot nonfat split shot extra hot extra foam latte for here” is an actual potential order, but we always hope for “short vanilla latte”

I wish everyone knew #1: you cannot get an iced cappuccino. Well, you can, but it’s going to be gross and goes against everything baristas stand for, which first and foremost is quality. An iced cappuccino would require shots to be brewed and poured over a small amount of milk, then iced. Then I would have to steam up some extra foamy milk, which will be hot, to pile on top of your cold beverage. I hate Starbucks for making people think that this is a thing. This is not a thing. Please stop trying to make it a thing.

I wish everyone knew #2: a macchiato is just espresso shots with a dollop of foam on top. If it’s “for here” it’s served in the teeniest most adorable little mug you’ve ever seen in your life. Starbucks has led many to believe that a macchiato is actually a vanilla latte with extra foamy milk and a caramel or hazelnut drizzle on top. Also worth noting, most places don’t have that thick hazelnut syrup that Starbucks uses.

I wish everyone knew #3: I NEED TO KNOW WHAT SIZE YOU WANT. People will shoot out a 12 modification drink without even including the size. If you want me to get all those details right I’m gonna have to write it on a cup, so please let me know which cup to write it on *first* 🙂

I wish everyone knew #4: I do care about your day, that’s why I ask! I’m in customer service because I like serving people and making their days better. If I ask you how your day is, please don’t just bark out “tall latte!” A guy did this to me not too long ago, and I said “great, I’m doing tall latte too.” I said it with a smile, but he was not amused.

I wish everyone knew #5: I’m here to help! I’ve been doing this for close to a decade now and I know everything about our menu so please, if you have a question, ask it! Even if you think it’s dumb, I’m more than happy to help. Even if that means explaining what’s in a latte– not everyone knows, and that’s totally okay!

This is a little cheatsheet with snnipets to create unit tests using Mocha test runner, Chai assertion library and Sinon (for spies and stubs).

How to set them up with mocha

To start to setup your tests you need to define a test suite using describe. These act like closures and you can even nest them.

describe.only will ensure that only this test suite will run.

Mocha before, beforeEach, after, afterEach

You can use before these to setup and restore any test helpers or components. You can even call these agains in nested describe.

Mocha only and skip

You use it to perform a test, it allows it.only will ensure that only this test will executed, it.skip will skip the test.

Mocha increase test timeout

Mocha handle done callback

Mocha return a promise

Chai contains and handleling arrays

Chai contains and handleling objects

Ruby Mocha Cheat Sheet

Sinon spy a call count

Sinon spy a call arguments

Mocha Coffee Cheat Sheet

Sinon spy called with arguments

Sinon stub a method

Then remember after the test is done to restore the origiinal object.

Sinon stub an object

Mocha Cheat Sheet

Sinon stub a method with different output per argument

Mocha Chai Cheat Sheet

Sinon use sandbox feature