Compare Anything

The 'compareAny' function is useful if you have two objects of the same type and same size, in case of structs, also the fields must be the same.
It determines the relative difference if element is number (0 if numbers are equals) ; if it is a character, it gives 0 if they are same, and 1 otherwise.
It outputs the maximal relative difference and an object holding the detailled differences.

It calls the subfunction anytrue, which extends the any function for all classes.

Compare Anything Games

Wishbone is your home for comparing social content. Every morning you receive a new 'Daily Dozen', which is a series of 12 pop culture-based questions with two distinct choices. If you complete all 12, then you get a 'Nightly Dozen' too!! You pick a side and then you can see how your friends voted. It's a quick and fun start to each morning, giving you a little bit of knowledge about what’s.

Versus Compare Anything


% COMPAREANY - calcul relative difference between two objects, element by element
% Syntax :
% [ecartMax, C] = compareAny(A,B)
% Inputs :
% A - structure, cell array, number, logical or string
% B - structure, cell array, number, logical or string, same class as A
% Outputs :
% ECARTMAX - the maximal relative difference between A and B
% C - same class as A and B, holding 0 if element of A and element of B are equals ;
% otherwise, relative difference (for different character, it is always 1)
% Examples:
% >> a = {'bla',1,[1,31]};
% >> b = {'blo',1,[1,25]};
% >> [ecartMax, C] = compareAny(a,b)
% ecartMax =
% 0.1935
% C =
% [1] [0] [1x2 double]
% >> C{1,3}
% ans =
% 0 0.1935
% Other m-files required: none
% Subfunctions: ANYTRUE
% MAT-files required: none
% See also: COMPARE, by Dario (Matlab Central)
% Author: Nahouto
% Last revision: 02/19/09
% Created with Matlab version: (R2008a)

Wishbone Online Compare Anything

Wishbone is your home for comparing social content. Every morning you receive a new 'Daily Dozen', which is a series of 12 pop culture-based questions with two distinct choices. If you complete all 12, then you get a 'Nightly Dozen' too!! You pick a side and then you can see how your friends voted. It's a quick and fun start to each morning, giving you a little bit of knowledge about what’s. Is an online diff tool that can find the difference between two text documents. Just paste and compare. Compare any two states side by side by choosing one state from each of the drop-down lists. You can also compare counties and cities. Popular Comparisons.